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Back pain from working from home? Try these simple tips.

We’ve all been working from home now for 3-4 weeks with suboptimal sitting positions. Many of you will be getting stiff and sore in the back, neck, and shoulders. Here are our tips on why it happens and what to do.

The spine needs movement. Your spine is a chain made up of 24 moving links. Our back has two main positions, bent (flexed) and straight (extended). We should aim to balance our time in these positions over the course of the day, to nourish the joints, and maintain movement and strength. 

Walk to work. Walking or standing on your commute is good for straightening your spine, and something we’re not getting to do right now. Even though we’re locked down, have a 10-minute walk around the block before you start work and when you finish. This resets your body and mind.

Stretch and engage at least once a day. Focus on the key areas of hips and spine with these 3 whole-body movements. Hold each position for 10-30 seconds, 3 times.

1. Bridge – Press your feet, hands, head into the ground, and elevate your body through your hips. Avoid pushing through your ribs, rather engage your glutes and lower abs. Works – glutes, arms, hamstrings abs. Stretches – Hip flexor, Lumbar spine, throat, and diaphragm.

2. Squat – Lean onto your desk taking weight through your arms and with your feet wider than your hips squat towards the floor. Toes can turn out and heels lift off if you need it. Keep your chin and chest up. Works – quadriceps, latisimus dorsi, deltoids, glutes and calf, Stretches, shoulders hips, lumbar spine, thoracic spine.

3. Lunge – Get your knee and hips to right angles on both legs. Tuck your hips under engaging your glutes and lower abs, and keep you back straight or lean slightly back. Works – glutes, back muscles. Stretches, hip flexor, quadriceps,

If you are stiff and sore

We can offer a quick check-in for free, to see whether you’d be suitable for a video consult.  Our sessions are 30, 45, or 60 minutes long and are covered by your health insurance, or you can contact us for special self-funding rates. If you are struggling financially in these difficult times let us know, we’ve got you too.

We are working with several companies delivering daily movement sessions via Skype, Zoom, Hangouts, and Teams. If you or your colleagues are interested contacts us at

Follow us on Instagram for daily workouts via IGTV @warrior_rehab

Stay healthy and safe, physically, and mentally. We’ll see you soon.

The Warrior Team